Support and Therapy
Our therapists
Agnieszka Górecka
Pedagogue, Solution Focused Therapy therapist in the certification process, breathing practice, personal development trainer. He conducts consultations and individual therapy for adults as well as individual breathing sessions.
Iza Jederek
Psychologist, sexologist, therapist.
Author of research and publications in the field of gender identities and sexuality, the book "Seksolatki. How to talk to teenagers about sex” and “I am changing. What happens to me during puberty.”
Sex educator and psychosocial skills trainer (National Open College in Great Britain).
She cooperates with non-governmental organizations (Foundation for the Promotion of Sexual Health, the Trans-Fuzja Foundation, the Acceptance Association), dealing with the dissemination of knowledge about the importance of sexuality, as well as help and comprehensive support for people at risk of social exclusion.
Natalia Juszczak
Psychologist, group trainer, addiction psychotherapy specialist, psychodynamic psychotherapist in the certification process, coordinator of the AfterParty project
Monika Raj
A graduate of Social Prevention and Rehabilitation and Sexual Education at the University of Warsaw, a trainer of psychosocial skills, in the process of education at the GESTALT School of Psychotherapists at the GESTALT Institute of Integral Psychotherapy in Krakow.
Agnieszka Waluszko
Psychologist, psycho-oncologist
Academy of Positive Life
The Academy of Positive Life project is aimed at people living with HIV and their relatives .
Its aim is to support HIV-positive people and their relatives after HIV diagnosis. It is especially important to reach out to people who have recently received a diagnosis. The project implements multi-faceted, free forms of assistance provided by top-class experts who have been involved in working with HIV-positive people for years. The project includes meetings with experts, individual consultations including psychological, legal, social counseling, workshops .
The project includes:
1. Psychological consultations - Agnieszka Waluszko and Agnieszka Górecka
2. Konsultacje with lawyer - attorney at law Katarzyna Julia Kowalska
3. Individual consultations - crisis intervention - Katarzyna Sikorska - Prophylaxis and Treatment Clinic;
4. Individual consultations - HIV / AIDS counselor - dr n. Społ. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak;
5. Personal development workshops - dr n. Społ. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak and Agnieszka Górecka, pedagogues, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d5_de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d05_de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cd05d05_de-3194-bb3bad5cf58d5_de-3194-bb3bad5cf58d05_de
sex educators, personal development trainers;
6. Learning English: beginner and intermediate group, recruitment tel. 22 646 48 86;
All activities are FREE OF CHARGE . Consultations and workshops are conducted at the premises of the Foundation for Social Education or online. Registration is accepted from Monday to Friday from 10.00-15.00 or at the e-mail address:
The project is financed by the City Hall of Warsaw under the agreement 2021-2023 and is carried out in cooperation with the Social Assistance Association and with the support of the GSK sponsor
Project coordinator - dr n. Spol. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak
Contact: m.
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Zapraszamy osoby żyjące z HIV i ich bliskich do skorzystania z bezpłatnego wsparcia oferowanego w ramach projektu „Akademia Pozytywnego Życia - 2024” finansowanego ze środków Krajowego Centrum ds. AIDS.
W ramach projektu proponujemy:
Konsultacje z terapeutą /psychologiem. Jest to indywidualne wsparcie w zakresie psychologicznym/terapeutycznym dla osób pełnoletnich - osób zakażonych i ich bliskich/rodzin. W zależności od potrzeb mogą to być spotkani jednorazowe lub cykliczne dla danej osoby. Prowadzone będą w gabinecie terapeutycznym w siedzibie Fundacji lub online - w zależności od możliwości i potrzeb odbiorców. Ich celem jest wsparcie w zakresie lepszego radzenia sobie z trudnościami, znajdowania najlepszych dla siebie rozwiązań, oswajanie diagnozy, budowania satysfakcjonującychrelacji oraz utrzymywania adherencji.
Konsultacje z prawnikiem. Indywidualne spotkania dla osób pełnoletnich w różnych sprawach prawnych.
Konsultacje z doradcą HIV/AIDS. Są to indywidualne spotkania dla osób pełnoletnich służące pomocy edukacyjnej, informacyjnej i adwokacyjnej. Działanie skierowane szczególnie do osób z nowo wykrytym zakażeniem i ich bliskich, rodzin, skierowanych przez PKD lub inną placówkę diagnostyczną.
Miejsce spotkań: online lub lokal Fundacji Edukacji Społecznej przy ul. Sewerynów 4/100 w Warszawie.
Kto może skorzystać: Osoby żyjące z HIV oraz ich bliscy i rodziny tych osób.
Jak się umówić: pod nr telefonu 22 646 46 86 (pon-pt 9.00-16.00) lub drogą mailową
Odwiedź nasz profil na Facebooku i Instagramie oraz stronę, gdzie znajdziesz aktualne i rzetelne informacje nt. życia z wirusem, którymi dzielą się nasi specjaliści.
Czas trwania projektu: kwiecień-listopad 2024r.
Koordynatorka projektu: Agnieszka Górecka
Projekt finansowany ze środków Krajowego Centrum ds. AIDS agendy Ministerstwa Zdrowia.
#SupportFES Support Group
Support group - Support FES is for addicts who have completed the drug and new psychoactive substance addiction therapy process and for people who have not completed the full therapy process (minimum 2 months).
The group aims to:
emotional, psychological and practical support for people struggling with addiction.
improving functioning and quality of life through therapeutic activities and group support.
improving the health situation due to changing patterns of drug and new psychoactive substance use.
improving functioning in society by learning to build healthy relationships.
increasing psychosocial skills.
maintaining the current effects of therapy.
preventing relapses and "mishaps" by helping to solve crisis situations.
Support Group Contract
People aged 18 and over will be eligible for the group. The criterion for admission to the support group involves an assessment, after consultation and an initial interview.
Participation in the group is free, voluntary and anonymous. A maximum of 8 people will participate in the group.
Four absences are allowed during the group. If a person exceeds the number of allowed absences, it will be tantamount to being removed from the group. Additionally, if during the group the participant does not appear at two meetings in a row and does not inform the leaders about it, he will be removed from the group.
The group's meetings will last 3 months. They will be held once a week (Thursdays) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Additionally, the meetings will include workshops for group participants. The workshops will focus on assertiveness, breathing techniques as a way to regulate emotions and effective communication.
Dates for 2024:
I group: February: 8,15,22,29 / March: 7,14,21,28 / April: 11,15,18,25
II group: May: 9,16,20,23 / June: 6,13,17,20 /July: 4,11,18,25
Group III: September: 12,19,26 / October: 3,10,17,24,31 / November: 7,14,21,28
To arrange an initial consultation, please e-mail us at:
The task is co-financed by the National Health Program for 2021-2025 as part of a competition conducted by the National Center for Addiction Prevention.
After Party
#AfterpartyFES Help and Support Center
The Foundation for Social Education, in cooperation with the Social Initiative of Narcopolitics, created the help and support center "#afterpartyFES" , the purpose of which is to reduce health damage related to the use of psychoactive substances.
#afterpartyFES is a project that is based on education, support and help without evaluating life choices. Our center consists of a specialized team of psychotherapists and sexologists. People who decide to use the facility's help can find out about the negative effects of drug use, receive educational materials and support in harm reduction. If they are ready, they can also take advantage of a therapeutic program aimed at reducing or completely discontinuing use, as well as comprehensive counseling and chemsex therapy. We also provide help and support for parents and relatives of users or addicts. Additionally, as part of our activities, we provide legal advice to people who have problems with the police due to psychoactive substances. All services are free and completely anonymous. We are open to novelties, so in addition to therapeutic work in the office, we also go outside. We organize so-called: partyworking during which we educate and increase awareness. We want to reach as many people as possible who need help, and often do not have the courage or knowledge where to look for it.
The number of recipients who come to our facility for help informs us that our actions make sense and are needed.
Project coordinator - Natalia Juszczak
Contact to AfterParty: